Our most ambitious campaign ever

What a joy it is to see others FLOURISH, especially to see brothers and sisters flourishing again in cities just as the Lord intends. It’s in cities where His beautiful image shows up in people of backgrounds, cultures and stories as diverse as His Kingdom to come. Watch to see how we believe God will bring more flourishing to Cleveland city neighbors and neighborhoods through your support over the next five years!
Work for the well-being of the city where I have sent you to and pray to the Lord for this. For if it is well with the city you live in, it will be well with you.
Jeremiah 29:7
Flourish At Home
A house is more than a place to live; it is a place to build a life and create a home. Houses created by BHITC will offer safe, affordable, stable housing that empowers tenants to thrive.
Two 14-unit campuses constructed on adjacent empty lots on West 56th and 61st Streets in Stockyards.
Multi-family units in a village design will integrate families in need of supportive rent with their neighbors in home-like settings.
BHITC staff will provide tenant care and support to pursue family goals.
Infill construction on existing housing lots restores cohesion to streets where properties were razed due to neglect.
Create affordable, supportive homes for families in Stockyards. Contribute to erasing blight and tangibly restore hope to city neighborhoods.
Build 28 new affordable homes for families where BHITC also provides life and vocational support. Families moving forward with their goals thanks to a stable place to call home and BHITC’s in-home care and support.
Flourish Through Work
Expanding social efforts allows us to offer employment, dignity and opportunity to our neighbors.
Give opportunity, dignity and employment to our neighbors by expanding social enterprise ventures; equip small business entrepreneurs with coaching, learning and support to help them succeed.
Common Threads opens its third store in Clark-Fulton and Stockyards and includes a workforce development program for young adults and neighborhood youth.
Community and Business Incubation Lab at the new Common Threads provides support to residents starting small businesses.
Expansion support for Peripeti Home to become an employer of refugee women.
A new social enterprise opens through The Hope Center, creating employment for refugees as talented and motivated workplace leaders.
Flourish In Community
Communities where all people are valued and understood helps generate creativity and resilience.
Deepening BHITC’s capacity to reach refugees, immigrants and residents of Clark-Fulton and Stockyards with the love of God, unleashing their capacity to thrive.
$550,000 for The Hope Center facility renovations and added programs.
$450,000 for expanded programming in Clark-Fulton and Stockyards, as well as developing faith leaders citywide.
As of October 2024, we have already raised $5.6 million
of the $6.5 million goal for the Flourish campaign

“The only way you’re going to be able to transform neighborhoods is if an organization comes to the neighborhood like Building Hope in the City is doing and says to the residents, ‘This is what we want to do, but we need your help.’ When you include the residents and ask them what they want to see happen for their neighborhood, they’re going to tell you basically everything the Flourish campaign is all about,” says Rhonda Jones, Stockyards neighborhood resident. “We need affordable housing, we need organizations that provide a tool for learning about social enterprise businesses, and we want to be part of the solution.”
“It’s been such a blessing to have a roof over my head that is safe and warm,” says Marcus, a current tenant. Life did not immediately become easier for him when he moved into a BHITC property as a tenant, but he explains how having a safe, stable, affordable home “allowed me the ability to focus on other stressful things going on in my life. Even though I still had a lot to overcome, having a home where the rental cost was not enormous, truly helped me get back on my feet and focus on my next step,” he says.
“Common Threads is great experience for self-growth and teamwork. I love the open sharing of ideas,” says Abdalla Khatir, originally from Sudan, who is employed at Common Threads and attends classes at The Hope Center. “Whether our roles are small or big, we work together and help each other for the better. They have a vision and a good message,” he adds.
He recently became a U.S. citizen with support from The Hope Center, where he is pursing his GED. He was also the first student enrolled in The Hope Center’s Adult Basic Education class, which he knows will serve as the bridge to more employment opportunities in the future. “My dreams include starting a business and providing support to my home country through clean and renewable energy,” says Abdalla. “The Hope Center is a fascinating idea, and they are doing a great job giving people a chance to discover themselves,” he adds.
“When I visited The Hope Center after graduation, I could not believe there was now a place that had all of the resources refugees need,” says Jewel Yokie, The Hope Center’s Family and Career Development Manager.
Jewel first met our team as a 7-year-old refugee from Liberia. Despite her English skills, the adjustment was difficult. Through BHITC’s tutoring program, where she met other refugee kids and amazing volunteers, her “fear turned into confidence.”
The seeds planted during those years led to a college degree for Jewel and a desire to serve the refugee community. She now leads its career program, connecting newcomers to resources and sharing her own story for encouragement. “Working at THC has helped me connect with my community again. What better job could I ask for?,” says Jewel.
Download FLOURISH campaign brochure