

We recently sat down with Tenisha Gant-Watson, the founder and CEO of Jordan Community Resource Center (JordanCRC). She shared her passion for Christ and the process of restoration for women who are oftentimes forgotten. Many of the women she assists are victims of human trafficking, homelessness, incarceration, and substance abuse.  

As a survivor herself, Tenisha said, " There was no place I could go for a safe, welcoming environment where I felt understood. Being a young mother with substance abuse challenges who had disassociated my trauma of being a victim of human trafficking, I realized there was no system with the transitional support I needed.” Passionate about supporting women in crisis, Tenisha decided to create a safe place for survivors to heal.

In time, Tenisha found new life in Christ, and through her spiritual rebirth, JordanCRC was born in 2004. But, before she had dreams of opening a center, she began leading support groups for women coming out of jail, struggling with substance and physical abuse. These groups grew exponentially. She created manuals and books to help women with housing, food, education and then eventually, a mentorship and housing program was formed.

These mentoring relationships led to an official center appropriately named after the Jordan River, which since biblical times, has represented a place of decision, transition, and God’s promise of deliverance. JordanCRC beautifully represents this same type of freedom from bondage as it helps women to build healthy relationships, deal with trauma, and receive counseling in a loving environment. Tenisha stated, “When there is trauma, the brain and Spirit need healing.”

Tenisha continues to see herself in this work. “It’s more than just helping, it’s like helping myself because when I see them, I see me. It’s a life's work for me. It’s not a job.” As women in crisis are restored and empowered, whole families have healthy environments and relationships. 

Tenisha is one of our first LIFT participants, which stands for Leaders in Faith Together. LIFT rallies around faith leaders in our city with a team of advisors. 

Tenisha says, “Due to the need to increase its services to more women, JordanCRC is in a unique space of opportunity. LIFT and its team of advisors are instrumental in assisting our staff develop strategic partnerships and approaches that will support JordanCRC’s expansion.”




Betty Jo