The Gift of Stillness


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” - Matthew 11:28-30

When Cleveland leaders Justin Ross and Yolanda Latham set out for the 2024 CCDA National Conference in Portland, OR, they had plans to share their own community worship experience—Third Sunday Prayer and Worship. Building Hope in the City’s Leaders in Faith Together (LIFT) cohort invites Cleveland residents to gather each third Sunday for a time of rich community worship. The aim is to create a space for prayer, worship, and to encouragement in the midst of ministry.

Justin and Yolanda intended to bring instruments to Portland to recreate their usual live music worship experience. However, transporting instruments across the country proved more challenging than expected and they had to leave the instruments behind. What was initially perceived as a setback turned into a necessary opportunity—a unique sanctuary of stillness and connection with God.

Attendees stepped into the space in between an intense schedule of plenary sessions, networking, and workshops. As the soaking session unfolded, the atmosphere shifted from hurry to stillness. Without needing elaborate sound equipment, Justin and Yolanda focused on facilitating with simplicity: low lighting, comfortable seating, and the freedom to let participants find their own connection to God within the room. Some used the space to pray, share scripture, or sing a chorus of a worship song. Others used the silence to reflect on their own roles in community development, questioning how often they had prioritized tasks over their own spiritual nourishment. Is my life so filled with outside noise that I’ve forgotten to listen inward? Am I so focused on serving that I’ve dismissed a heart of worship? 

While some attendees admitted to the initial uncomfortable feeling of silence, they left with renewed spirits, reminded of their identities as worshipers and restorers. The soaking session illustrated a crucial truth: Christian Community Development is not solely about taking action for God’s kingdom, but experiencing God’s kingdom in our own souls. Sometimes in order to take action, you must be still and let God take the initiative.

While Justin and Yolanda intend to bring instruments back into Cleveland’s Third Sunday Prayer and Worship, they returned with a reminder that the most essential element of worship is not music, but humbly sitting in the presence of Christ. If you’re interested in joining Third Sunday, email Leah Ross at for more information.


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